Meet the Rose City Runners
Our club of 110 members, based in Madison, NJ, has a wide variety of runners. We boast of some of Northern New Jersey's elite male and female runners but are also proud to say that many of our members started their running activity with us. Our skills range from a sub 6-minute mile to a casual 13-minute mile - and everything in between. We even have a few that walk. All ages are welcome.
We consider ourselves runners who like a good party, although one of our friendly rival clubs claims that we're just partyers who like to run. We have several parties throughout the year which include:
St. Patrick's Day
Summer Pool Party
Jingle Bell Run
Famous Glug Run and Brunch
New Year's Morning Run and Brunch
Saturday Morning Run:
Our regular club feature is the Saturday morning breakfast run at the beautiful Loantaka Brook Reservation by Duck Pond off Kitchell Road (town border of Morris Twp/Harding Twp). We meet at 8:30 AM April thru October and 9:00 AM November thru March.

Runners gather at 8:30 AM during the warm months and at 9:00 AM during the cooler ones; our time change taking place at Daylight Saving Time each Spring and Fall. The run is generally three to eight miles at various paces (including walkers!) and, depending on the season, we also have long training runs. Those runs start before our regular Saturday morning run for our marathoners in training and the Rose City Runners USATF Racing Team.
Everyone brings a little something to share for breakfast after the run.
For directions from your home, use 110 Kitchell Rd, Morristown in your favorite map search engine or GPS.
To see our regular club routes, as well as some favorite routes from our members, click here!

Interested in joining us? We'd love to have you!
Rose City Runners Club